PCIM EUROPE digital days
From 3 – 7 May 2021 we will present our products/services online at the PCIM Europe digital days. You can expect the latest developments in power electronics, numerous presentations and live webinars. In our company profile you will have the possibility to contact us directly. book now Don’t miss out on this opportunity and register free of charge: https://bit.ly/3uroe93
What you can expect
The online event ticket is free of charge and includes – with the exception of the conference and the digital seminars – the following services:
- Extensive company profiles
- E-Mobility area and product profiles
- Networking opportunities via chat or video call (individual appointments possible)
- Interest-based matchmaking
- Access to live webinars from participating companies
- Forum presentations (Industry and E-Mobility Forum)
- Access to three live keynotes of the conference
- Access to an impulse keynote on “The Future of Work”
- Access to Job offers
- Jump-in discussions (Your opportunity to engage in participant-driven meetings)
We look forward to meeting you online.